Medical Document Scanning
ExaHealth(EXA) has a well-integrated digital network which is backed by secure patient data sets. Our document scanning team ensures timely and efficient scanning of medical documents to keep our records updated, along with the smooth use of the Electronic Health Record(EHR) system. Timely induction of patient records will help you cut down costs and gain operational and financial benefits.
Medical Transcription
ExaHealth(EXA) also provides transcription services in order to fulfill the documentation needs of physicians, clinics, and hospitals. Our experts transcribe medical reports which include history and physical reports, health reports, follow-up notes, procedures, and consultation reports. We ensure the transcription process is done smoothly and timely to reduce backlog, and to avoid redundancies.
Virtual Medical Office Staffing Solutions
We help you get the right team!
Our managerial experts at ExaHealth(EXA) understand the importance of having a skilled and motivated workforce. We provide virtual medical staffing solutions to our clients, which help them with building the right team. A skilled and motivated labor force is essential to achieve synergy at the workplace, and to maximize productivity.
We will help you build the right team with the help of our human resource experts, and will provide solutions for screening, and recruiting talented individuals. Our previous clients include physicians, medical groups, and hospitals. Catering to the organizational needs of each client, our team formulates a unique set of personalized staffing solutions which encompasses AAPC- certified coders, data entry experts, administrative staff, and managerial experts.
EXA – The Right Partner for your Medical Office Staffing Requirements
Get the Right Talent at the Right Time
At EXA, we prioritize the needs of our clients, therefore we understand your need to focus on your patients. Our team of managerial experts will take care of your staffing needs and will help you reach your operational targets effectively. With the help of our staffing solutions, you can continue to cater to the needs of your patients, while we manage essential operational processes in your office. Our expert staffing solutions will ensure that
- Audio and document file archives
- Integrated to accommodate all software or hardware requirements
- Electronic or digital signature (e-signature) capabilities
- Reports on transcripts showing progress of each file
Our HR team has formulated a comprehensive recruitment process which includes structured interviews, situational interviews, and AI based recruiting software to fully understand the capabilities of every job candidate. This will ensure that you have the right mixture of highly talented individuals in your work force.